Saturday, March 21, 2020
Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example
Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die Bertrand why not right? Lenin made a significant contribution to philosophy. Kokretno this: the political form of our consciousness can not be ignored, otherwise it turns out very thoroughly miserable ideologized being completely disoriented abundance of ideologies do not want to choose options for cooked and seasoned meaningfulness lies. That is why the rights of Louis Althusser, noting the main thing: since Marx and Lenin through the relationship to the traditional philosophy has changed radiakalno now professorial philosophy is false paths, to study or even to investigate which nevertheless absolutely necessary. But to do this, not pulzuyas Marxist methodology, absolutely impossible. Lenin understood this perfectly, and openly despised traditional philosophical professorship for her thoroughly ideologized lies, earning honorable privilege Hate of all this public. Just do not think that all of this has anything to do the slightest relation to the ideological doctrine of the CPS U Central Committee. But its all about this theory. If the philosophy of science is not distinguished from ideology (a simple but systematic construction of various views focused on the interests of certain political groups, for example, namenklaturu Committee, representatives of big business the time of the Weimar Republic, etc.) then you can be happy to rustle all you have the above authors and quiet stay in the idiotic illusion, thinking that all this is a philosophy, it is wisdom. Alas, usually nowhere near. To understand this properly, it is necessary to begin with, in fact belong to the philosophy of Marxs subsequent more or less significant thinkers in the West. But Marx did not leave any special work on the philosophy he was wrong! Finally, remember what I said about Lenin, one of his worst enemies Karl Kautsky: deny Lenins greatness can only be crazy. Thats the way it is, and fooled the Russians in the 90s, suggesting that Marx and Lenin is the field of political curiosi ties and thoughtlessness. Alas, the lies and the evidence on poverty of mind and spirit. Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die In order to bring man back to life and cure bitterness, a person need to scare near death. Then I wake up in him a thirst for life, then he will recover and will live happily ever after and died in one day. Although the stop, a little more about the life of To resort to the formulation of an incurable diagnosis -. Psychotherapeutic technique that really brings out human problems that need to be addressed. But one thing reception at the psychotherapist, the other the attitude to life in general No, the problem really needs to be solved, and should not pull the cat on the back burner, but its a question of problems in life as well. not the whole of life. What I want to say. The idea to someone to make up or ask someone for forgiveness, it is too late definitely good and there are no complaints. The idea that you can die at any time so all is beyond praise. But the question remains what does it all We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In order for you, so as not to poison themselves last moments of existence of some regrets and resentments? Or maybe, in order to have time to get out of life? Well, for the first goal should be fine Freud and Carnegie. I think they can easily do in order to reduce the number of problems in a persons life. For the second goal should not have to write such a long history, Pepsi is enough advertising. For what this book is written and what the reader along with Veronica comes to life? Im afraid it is in order to live happily. Whats wrong with that? Yes, probably, nothing. But again there is a lot of questions And what it is -. My pleasure? The answer is obvious: everyone has their own. And if someone pleasure is to remove the burden of mutual insults and dirty with someone else, it is not for everyone. And if we become live each in his own pleasure Im afraid not to pleasures will most sluggishness. Well, I am to blame, we had time to read Coelho and quickly proceed to their pleasures, until they were someones else. And in the projection on the axis of reality harmless vapor thirsting to live and schizophrenics already it looks very unattractive: a crowd of individuals who seek to satisfy their every craving their lives for pleasure Now, about death.. Death in Veronica easily overcome by denial of the diagnosis, or rather its absence. After that, death is evaporated from the pages and as if the life of the characters. But we must realize that once they die anyway. Both. And we are too. And now on the verge of death so attractive to the patient bitterness as should behave healed from the bitter people? How to behave in front of the death of all of us the awakening to life? Rejoice in the pleasure we spent the allotted time and had so-and-so? Maybe. In the event that all end at the very moment when I made my last breath. And if not? .. Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die Let me join the chromosomal those who do not like Coelho 🙂 Although, I personally do not care it. I hope I Love Gothic allow anything negative to say constructively as I once read a book is not the author of the cover to crust (though Im not ashamed of :), trying to find the answer to the question What they (the fans Coelho) it sees this deep or serious? first. A lot of people read it? Well, well, they at least something to read. Secondly, in these books there is something about the eternal and the good. Let primitive and thrown around, but still not how to hate and destroy all around. We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Unfortunately, the list of my positive with respect to the creation Coelho has dried up. The rest of the It is about good and evil, of dreamers and destiny of human destiny can read something from the category of food for thought, and Coelho, to put it mildly, not call up this notion. Dear Gothic Love, grow up, read a little more and realize that there is something more worthwhile:) To be honest, I was a little irritated more and Coelho language. How strange that he wrote as a childrens storyteller, respectively, it seems that it appeals to readers as to small children, not as equals. Gothic properly noticed of Good and Zdle, sorry, Evil;) Only in fairy tales these concepts are clearly separated, everything in life some not so PS. Dear uvazhateli and fans, terrible to say, fans Coelho 🙂 Take the trouble to read something from Carlos Castaneda, or the ancient philosophers, for uzreet true origin of original ideas of his favorite author, and you will be happy and insight:) PPP . I think it would be better. Waiting for the comments:) Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die The man allows himself the luxury of being mad, only when he created the conditions for this. (C) In any literary conversation, one has only to visit a speech on the work of Coelho, all the decent, participants begin to chant in unison phi author, wrinkle nose in disgust and bewilderment wondering how it can be read. And the authors language is not something that just is not a literary, rather, as if designed for readers suffering from an acute form of idiocy. And the story banal. And heroes trivial. And the semantic content so all the obvious and not worth that it was written again. Perhaps Im not a decent member of any literary conversation, therefore now I will tell of their experiences, about one of the most popular books Coelho Veronika decides to die ». This Coelho book for the first time I read many years ago. Then the author of the book has only timidly appeared on the shelves, and there was not a strong marketing campaign, no long runs, or really even readers. And this is the first acquaintance with the author, I would not be carried among the successful. I threw the book somewhere in the half, having decided that I will return to it in a different, more convenient time. This moment came just before the premiere of the movie, filmed on the novel by these things. Before viewing is chanted posters shedevrialnoy work Emily Young I still decided to read this book. Therefore now briefly about all the impressions from reading. We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer  «The prison does not correct the offender, but only teaches him to commit new crimes. (C) The plot. Unless specifically address the content, in a nutshell we can say that this is a novel about a girl with a clear manic-depressive state. The author is very accurately described within this state. In the plot, clearly visible triad Krepellina abnormally low, melancholy mood, mental retardation and physical retardation. Intelligence Veronica saved, so suicidal she prepares carefully considering and weighing every step. Like a heroine from the inside devours depression. Speaking about it, I mean depression is the author once again quite aptly describes her bipolar flow. The depressive phase lucid interval the manic phase the depressive phase, etc. Its all accompanied by an emotional feeling, facing in different time intervals everything was bad, and now bad and nothing good will. Neither bright idea comes to mind Veronica. And for a thorough disclosure of a manic-depressive state, put the first plus. The heroes of the novel. Again Coelho failed to accurately register each mentally ill. All the characters, regardless of the primacy of the placed very accurately, and most importantly their diagnosis as accurate as possible. Realism has happened helps, if not try on, or at least believe in the described. The second advantage of heroes. text. Yes, I will agree with all opponents of the author is that the language of the narrative, indeed, as simple as possible. On the one hand it is a minus, though it can be slightly wrapped, heavier. But on the other such a serious topic is extremely easy to understand, you can bring only the use of simple, basic words. Coelho outlined Villete and its residents so that everyone can submit this separate world. Coelho true to himself and his style. Practically in each of his works, he subtly interweaves some parable to help reveal the essence of the main theme. So here the parable of the crazy kingdom came to the site and helped to understand the face and the essence of madness Final.. Yet Coelho a master of happy endings. And here he does not change his style. Open finals, the most happy and at the same time, far-fetched. Of course, none of the characters will not be able to get rid of their ailments. Depression Veronica periodically, especially in spring and autumn seasons, will escalate. Members of the Brotherhood, Marie, Edward and other guests Villete, hardly any of them can return to normal life. Although, in fact, who is this crazy? After all, its just someone who lives in a special world. And in this world it is quite full. In each of us there is this his own, special world . This novel by Paulo Coelho put 3 on a 5-point scale. Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die Paulo Coelho. Veronika Decides to Die What is a good name, but because it fully reflects the meaning of the book. Im not talking about the unfortunate suicide that she tried to commit, Im talking about her actions and thoughts throughout the book. We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Samonushenie- wild power. Dr. Igor matures idea and put it into practice with the help of Veronica, That, in turn, nothing suspect because she is busy with thoughts of death, his death, And it is enough to know that you will die in a week, to love life forever. This book is full of brilliant x phrases and more than that, reading this novel, you can buy a lot of knowledge, some of them I even decided to write: * one of the factors determining the state of mind of a person, is a recently discovered substance serotonin. Lack of serotonin affects the ability to concentrate on work, sleep, eat, enjoy the pleasant moments of life * great Slovenian poet Preshern (about him in the book mentioned very often) * crazy. is the inability to pass on to others their perception. As if you were in a foreign country everything you see, you know, whats going on around you, but not in a position to explain and get help because they do not understand the language in which they say * it is wasting its energy on efforts. correspond to the image that has established for itself. Thats why she never had the forces out to be myself * man allows himself the luxury of being mad, only when he created for this condition. * Stop constantly thinking, if you all the way! If someone does not like it, he complains. And if he lacks the courage to complain, then its his problem. * the laws were not created to solve problems, and for their endless entanglement in endless judicial litigation. (This is a very interesting example of a written and other) Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die Let me join the chromosomal those who do not like Coelho 🙂 Although, I personally do not care it. I hope I Love Gothic allow anything negative to say constructively as I once read a book is not the author of the cover to crust (though Im not ashamed of :), trying to find the answer to the question What they (the fans Coelho) it sees this deep or serious? first. A lot of people read it? Well, well, they at least something to read. Secondly, in these books there is something about the eternal and the good. Let primitive and thrown around, but still not how to hate and destroy all around. We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Unfortunately, the list of my positive with respect to the creation Coelho has dried up. The rest of the It is about good and evil, of dreamers and destiny of human destiny can read something from the category of food for thought, and Coelho, to put it mildly, not call up this notion. Dear Gothic Love, grow up, read a little more and realize that there is something more worthwhile:) To be honest, I was a little irritated more and Coelho language. How strange that he wrote as a childrens storyteller, respectively, it seems that it appeals to readers as to small children, not as equals. Gothic properly noticed of Good and Zdle, sorry, Evil;) Only in fairy tales these concepts are clearly separated, everything in life some not so PS. Dear uvazhateli and fans, terrible to say, fans Coelho 🙂 Take the trouble to read something from Carlos Castaneda, or the ancient philosophers, for uzreet true origin of original ideas of his favorite author, and you will be happy and insight:) Veronika Decides to Die Review Essay Example Veronika Decides to Die Review Paper Essay on Veronika Decides to Die And what else could I see comments about this book? Naturally nothing good Im used to seeing only the bad reviews about Coelho When I took the book in his hands, then this author yet in sight, no one knew -. it only appeared a book in Russian. Not about any fashion and out of the question. I was then 15 years old, maybe less. Teenage depression, family problems pushed me to a very good thought and action. And this book is still in the old edition and a paperback helped me get out of my state. And what is necessary for the silly girl as a teenager? everything to be simple and clear, that there was at least some sense (meaning I was looking around and snotty novels Im not very interested in) the book to leave at least something beautiful. At that time, the book by Paulo Coelho gave me a new outlook on life and everyday life. I think of them with a pleasant smile. We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Veronika Decides to Die Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And Im sorry that there are so advertised his books, and people judge it by the opinions of others. But I agree, at the moment what is published is far from the quality of the first novels (although maybe I became older and Coelhos philosophy does not seem to me a revelation)) And again. I do not understand people who judge the quality of the book at the place of reading it. Im the next three years in the transport of spent 5 hours a day. So do you really think that all this time while I went to the train, metro and bus can be stupidly stare at people and do nothing? I would be mad but I just learned not to see or hear anyone or anything other than the book in my hands would not say that the literature on the psychology of the extreme activities or properties of neural brain can be compared to Dontsova!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
15 Top NYC Colleges How to Decide If Theyre Right for You
15 Top NYC Colleges How to Decide If They're Right for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips New York is the most populous US city, and there are dozens of colleges in New York City. Should you go to college in NYC? If you want to be close to Gray’s Papaya, Madison Square Garden, Broadway, and Wall Street, then going to schoolin New York City might be a good option. In this article, I’ll provide you with a list oftop-ranked collegesin NYC. Furthermore, I’ll explainthe benefits and disadvantages of attending college in New York City and offer some advice on decidingif you should attend college in NYC. The 15Top-Ranked Schools in NYC I've listed the top-ranked collegesin NYC in the order of their Forbes rankings for the best overall colleges because Forbes includes all colleges in its rankings. TheUS News divides colleges into 4 categories for its rankings: National Universities, National Liberal Arts Colleges, Regional Universities, and Regional Colleges. I listed each school’s category after its US News ranking. The majority of the most prestigious schools are in the National University or National Liberal Arts College category.The Regional Colleges and Universities are still good, but they’re typically not as well-known nationally. Forbes and US News use many variables to determine their rankings. Their ranking methodologies are different, but they both use factors like graduation rates and freshman retention rates in their ranking lists. Forbes focuses more on student outcomes and incorporates alumni salary and student debt in its rankings while US News focuses more on the academic reputations of colleges. There are private and public colleges of varying sizes on the list. The CUNY colleges are the public colleges in New York City. There are four-year CUNY colleges. Also, some of the colleges on the list have a particular focus.Barnard is a women’s college. Cooper Union offers programs exclusively in architecture, fine arts, and engineering. Manhattan College is a Roman Catholic school and Yeshiva University is a Jewish college. School Forbes Ranking US News Ranking Average SAT Score Average ACT Score Acceptance Rate Columbia University #15 #4 (National Universities) 2215 33 7% Barnard College #42 #29 (National Liberal Arts Colleges) 2020 30 21% Cooper Union #73 #2 (Regional Colleges-North) 1987 31 8% New York University #77 #32 (National Universities) 2015 30 32% Fordham University #153 #66 (National Universities) 1870 28 43% CUNY- City College #177 #66 (Regional Universities-North) 1030 (on Reading and Math only) N/A 34% Manhattan College #198 #17 (Regional Universities-North) 1623 25 66% Yeshiva University #209 #52 (National Universities) 1840 26 82% CUNY- Baruch College #262 #32 (Regional Universities-North) 1229 (on Reading and Math only) N/A 27% CUNY- Brooklyn College #280 #83 (Regional Universities-North) 1096 (on Reading and Math only) N/A 28% CUNY- Hunter College #297 #47 (Regional Universities-North) 75 (on Reading and Math only) N/A 31% CUNY- Queens College #308 #47 (Regional Universities-North) 1624 N/A 37% The New School #314 #127 (National Universities) N/A N/A 67% CUNY- Lehman College #409 #6 (Regional Universities-North) 1425 N/A 23% Pace University #443 #180 (National Universities) 1090 (on Reading and Math only) 24 81% Butler Library at Columbia University (Susan Sermoneta/Flickr) Other Popular NYC Colleges New York City is known for its prestigious art schools like thePratt Institute, the Fashion Institute of Technology, andThe Juilliard School. Additional well-known colleges in New York include St. John's University and the other CUNY colleges. Benefits of Going to College in New York City If you go to one of the many colleges in NYC, you'll be able to reap all of these benefits. You’ll Never Be Bored Many colleges are in remote locations. If you ever get tired of on-campus activities, there aren’t a ton of options for off-campus fun.If you go to college in New York City, you’ll be in one of the most vibrant, exciting cities in the world. You’ll have easy access to museums, plays, sporting events, bars, clubs, and restaurants. You can check out The Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Guggenheim. If you're a basketball fan, you can attend a New York Knicks or Brooklyn Nets game. You may want to go see The Book of Mormon on Broadway. If you're like me and you enjoy some programming on The Food Network, you'll probably be excited to try the restaurants of Bobby Flay and Marcus Samuelsson. Many NYC colleges offer deals to students so they can take advantage of New York’s cultural offerings.Through its Arts Initiative, Columbia University offers students free admission to over 30 museums and discounted rates to theater and musical performances.Similarly, NYU Ticket Central offers discounted tickets to movies, Broadway and off-Broadway shows, sporting events, musical performances, and more. The Vine at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (ketrin1407/Flickr) Internship and Job Opportunities One huge advantage of going to college in NYC is that there are so many industries and companies that are based there. There are numerous opportunities for college students to get internships or jobs that will give them meaningful experiences and lead to employment after graduation.Here’s a list of over 200undergraduate intern jobs in NYC on LinkedIn. If you’re interested in theater, fashion, journalism, or finance, there are few cities with more opportunities in those fields than New York. Diversity If you go to a large state school in a college town, you’ll probably be surrounded by mostly traditional college-aged students who are from the state in which the college is located. In NYC, you’ll be able to interact with tons of people from all over the world.There are more foreign-born immigrants who live in NYC than there are people who live in Chicago.You’ll be able to explore the many different ethnic neighborhoods in NYC where you can experience the cuisines and cultures of different nationalities. Especially in today's global economy, graduating college with a global perspective and knowledge of different cultures can benefit you in your professional life. Transportation At many colleges, students often complain that they feel like they’re in a bubble or trapped in a very insulated environment, especially if they don’t have a car and can’t easily get off campus. In New York, you’ll have no issue exploring the city without a car.Between the subway, trains, cabs, and Uber, you shouldn’t have any problem getting around the city or accessing other cities on the east coast.An added bonus is that the subway is pretty cheap and efficient. The Food Maybe I’m only emphasizing food because I really like to eat.When I was in college at Stanford, I remember being hungry late at night, and because I didn’t have a car, I had to convince my roommate to take us to go get some grub. Our only real option off-campus at that time was Jack in the Box, a mediocre fast food establishment. NYC is known for having some of the best restaurants in the world. There are cheap, tasty restaurants, food stands, and food trucks representing every type of food imaginable.If you live on campus and get sick of dorm food, you’ll have access to so many different types of food at all hours.I’m a little jealous that I didn’t have Shake Shack near me when I was in college. You can even get chicken and waffles in NYC! (Arnold Gatilao/flickr) Disadvantages of Going to College in New York City While going to aNew York City college can offer you many advantages and excitement, there are some potential downsides of going to school in NYC. Distractions Since you’re primarily in college to learn, you may find it distracting to try to study and go to class in the â€Å"City That Never Sleeps.†Because you’ll have access to so many social opportunities and entertainment options in New York City, you’ll have to maintain discipline to ensure that you’re taking care of your academic responsibilities. Less School Spirit and Less of an On-Campus Community At colleges in college towns, everything revolves around the college. People sport their school colors with pride, enthusiastically cheer on their sports teams, and seem to have a strong bond with the school. At colleges in New York City, the colleges are a very small part of the city.Students are likely to spend less time on campus because they’re out exploring the city and all it has to offer. There can be less of a sense of community going to school in such an urbanenvironment. Also, none of the colleges in NYC have big-time football programs, and athletics aren’t a huge part of the college experience. If you want to experience cheering on your school in a stadium with 100,000 screaming fans, you won't get that at a New York City college.However, St. John’s does have a storied basketball program, and they play some of their home basketball games in the historic Madison Square Garden. New York City Is Expensive Even though you can find cheap food, discounted tickets to events, and the subway doesn’t cost much, almost everything you do off campus will cost you some money.If you have limited funds, you may not really be able to take advantage of what the city has to offer. Furthermore, if you don’t have money and your friends are going to fancy NYC restaurants and getting tickets to Broadway shows, that can make you feel isolated and negatively impact your college experience. Additionally, housing in the NYC Is extremely pricey.If you don’t live on campus, it can be very difficult to find an affordable place to live. You may end up having to live far from campus or in an undesirable location.As of August 2015, the average price of a one bedroom apartment within 10 miles of NYC was$3245 per month. NYC Can Feel Overwhelming New York City has so many people and so much activity that it can feel like a bit much if you prefer being in an environment with a laid-back vibe.Especially if you’re from a rural or suburban environment, being around so many people who seem to always be in a hurry can make you feel unsettled or claustrophobic. Even simple tasks like getting groceries can become chaotic adventures due to to the throngs of people.My friends who live in New York and love it enjoy a fast-paced lifestyle or are at least unaffected by the hustle and bustle of the city. How Do You Decide If an NYC CollegeIs Right for You? If you've never been to New York City, you should try to visit before committing to attend a college in NYC.New York is such a unique place, and it’s hard to determine if you’d enjoy living there for 4-6 years without ever having visited. Check out some of the different neighborhoods and the colleges there that interest you to get a feel for the city and what it would be like to go to school there. If you love New York when you visit, then going to college there may be a good option for you. Keep in mind, though, that even if you enjoy a visit to New York City, it doesn't necessarily mean that you would enjoy living there. If you visit, try to imagine spending years there going through day-to-day activities to help determine if going to college there would be a good decision for you. Also, take note of the specific locations of different NYC colleges. Each neighborhood within New York City has its own personality and offers a slightly different environment. Remember that you’re deciding on a college, and the location should only be one factor in your college search. You should also consider other factors in a college like the cost, its academic reputation, and the majors offered. Try to find the school that’s the best fit for you. Use guidebooks, search websites, and college finders to help you in the college selection process. I believe that going to college in New York City is a great option for students who enjoy urban environments and thrive on the activity in a big city setting.Consider the benefits and disadvantages of attending college in New York City. Do the pros outweigh the cons for you? If so, then you may want to attend college in The Big Apple. Michael Pick/Flickr What's Next? Maybe you're thinkingthe colleges in NYC aren't right for you after all. Check out our guide to the differenttypes of locations to determine if you might be happier at a suburban or rural school. Regardless of where you decide you want to go to college, make sure you're familiar with the application process and know how to apply. Also, learn strategies for the common application essay prompts. Finally, check out this post on how to write about extracurriculars on your college applications. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
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