Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Compensation Plan Proposal - 2118 Words
Building a Lasting Compensation Plan Building a Lasting Compensation Plan Compensation plans are as varied as the companies that implement them. They reflect a company’s culture, financial strategy, organizational structure and goals. Compensation plans serve as the catalyst for employees to join a company and remain, which in turn enables the organization to fulfill its obligation to provide goods and services. Developing an effective compensation plan requires thorough preparation through several steps. These steps include: determining job value, determining overall pay, determining individual/Team pay, pay delivery, and managing pay (Milkovich, 2011). Also important is the order in which these steps are completed as†¦show more content†¦This is typically accomplished using both internal and external benchmarking criteria. For Ben’s Bakery, an external benchmark of like jobs will be conducted using other local food production plants as a measuring tool. The resulting benchmark data provides Ben’s Bakery a range of pay f or each of their five benchmark positions. For the internal evaluation, a paired comparison ranking method (Milkovich, 2011) will be the simplest approach and can be accomplished with fairly accurate results because there are a small number of jobs and each of the jobs has been thoroughly assessed. |Table 1 | | | | | | |S/R/P |Driver |Baker |Mechanic | |Quality Control |Q |Q |Q |M | | |S/R/P |S/R/P |S/R/P |M | | | |Driver |B |M | | | | |Baker |M | The ranking results in Table 1 tell us that our five benchmarkShow MoreRelatedEssay on Proposal on a Compensation and Benefits Plan770 Words  | 4 PagesProposal on a Compensation and Benefits Plan Sonia Miranda Sandra Gonzalez HRM/531 Management July 11, 2011 Devin Daugherty Proposal on a Compensation and Benefits Plan Globalization and economy downturn are forcing companies’ to structure their benefit programs differently. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Legalization or Decriminalization of Drugs Free Essays
The legalization or decriminalization of drugs would be beneficial to society through various ways. The government would collect taxes on them which could help with various expenses such as education expenses. Through different pharmaceutical companies it can be controlled as well as ensure quality which helps drug users from receiving bad product. We will write a custom essay sample on Legalization or Decriminalization of Drugs or any similar topic only for you Order Now It could free up space in prison or jails and allow more room for concentration of other important crimes that are taking place in society. On the other hand, the legalization of drugs could as well harm society. It could be used more by individuals and cause individuals to become less alert to the important things in society. This could also cause harm to kids. So we have to understand that there are pros and cons to the legalization as well as it could be beneficial as well as cause harm in many of ways. When this comes into consideration, the pros and cons should be weighed before a final decision is made. Yes I do consider alcohol a drug. It can become addictive as well. It causes a high just same as drugs. It most importantly causes a change in individuals behavior when to much alcohol is consumed. Certain alcohol levels can become very dangerous at times. It can be more dangerous than illegal drugs. I do believe that some alcohols are safer than others. An individual must also know their limits of how much alcohol to consume. This is sometimes hard in many situations which sometimes lead to various addictions and crime. Sometimes it can even lead to death when one has received too much of the wrong alcohol. This is known as alcohol poisoning. Without prohibiting alcohol, I believe that there is already a great control on alcohol already taking place. You will not be able to get rid of it. The only thing that you can do is maintain certain laws and standards that are to be abided by to keep it under control. The drug trade will always exist. There will be drug users as well as drug dealers. TV shows and films in my opinion act out what is already present in real life situations. The only difference is one is physical seen in everyday life versus the other shown on television. I do not believe that all images on TV of drugs and alcohol be banned. Theses situations should be shown. Sometimes by watching these shows and watching some of the out comes can help one turn or change to a more positive path in life. On the other hand it can help those who were considering it, maybe to not participate or become users. Just like everything else, individuals will always try to blame there problems on something or someone, but we have to remember that everyone makes that choice to do right or wrong. Television shows a lot of what is already happening in the streets in homes. Instead of looking at it causing more harm than good, it should be looked at it as a guide to help turn from those ways. Yes I believe prostitution is a crime. If two individuals would like to endeavor in mutual sex, than they can do that with out prostituting. Some are, not in their right state of mind as well as know the difference between right and wrong. If a man or woman would like to sell sexual favors, that should be there right just as long as it is mutual and not in the public view. Two adults that are capable of making decisions about their life should be allowed to make them as long as it does not cause harm to them or anyone else. Prostitution on the streets is nothing that should be exploited because of the dangers and harm that could follow if things are done as planned or expected. Children are alert to all of their surroundings and what goes on in society. Sexual transmitted diseases as well as AIDS is floating on and being passed from one individual to another uncontrollably. Here again without prohibiting it, I believe there is a great control of sexual explicit materials on the internet. It is on television, in magazines, as well as viewed on tapes and cds. So it will be showed one way or another. No I would ever approve of the online sale of sexually explicit photos of children even if they are artificial images created by computer animation. Children are sensitive and are still coming into the knowledge of growing into young mature productive adults in society. They are not learning how to become another statistics in society of crime. This would not be a positive aspect that would be beneficial to them in life. This as well would not lead nor guide them in how to have respect for their bodies as well as others. We should also understand that because there are predators out their in the world we should not help them cause harm to children. I believe that both statements are accurate. Although sexually aggressive men are drawn to pornography; a man who is not so sexually aggressive would reach that stage eventually as he continue to watch as well as read more and more pornography. Men sexual drives are strong at times. There excitement levels are different in many ways. When a manfinds something or sees something that excites him, he continues to want that as well as wanting to reach more exciting levels. Through pornography they are also able to full fill such levels as fantasies. When men become aggressive their focus is usually one thing and that is to reach their peek. Sometimes this means by any means necessary. Now some men needs more than pornography. Pornography is only satisfying for a while. After this point they actually try to turn and create those fantasies with someone else. Some women are faced with the same issues. I believe that there are various views on this issue. I due believe that in various ways there are objective standards of morality. Others believe that there are not any objective standards. Many believe and argue that mostly those individuals that have a relationship as well as an involvement in Christianity are the ones who believe that there are objective standards. They believe that these objectives were written back in the days that God created the Ten Commandments. How to cite Legalization or Decriminalization of Drugs, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
SWOT Analysis Of ERP Accounting Software †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the SWOT Analysis Of ERP Accounting Software. Answer: Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is one of the most advanced and useful accounting software which is used worldwide in different organisations. The primary objective of using this accounting software is to manage the information and details related to the accounting of the organisation. The ERP system provides an integrated management of the information related to the accounting and several business processes (Bansal, 2013). The primary function of the ERP is to collect, store, manage and interpret data from several business functions. It also helps to keep the track of resources like production capacity and raw materials. It also maintains the flow of information between the organisationss managing body and the external stakeholders. In this report all the features related to the ERP system are given with details. The ERP system is used by several multinational large organisations and the small organisations have also started to use the accounting software more increasingly. The ERP is system is completely different from the traditional accounting software and for that reason it also creates many disadvantages and issues to the employees who are already used to the conventional accounting software. All the disadvantages and advantages are also included in this report. Background of ERP The ERP system was mainly developed during the decade of nineties. Due to several sudden changes in the economy and with the introduction of the Euro the ERP system iwas introduced by several organisations in their accounting system (Bull et al., 2016). The ERP system then started as the backup of the traditional accounting software and it was also applied in case of several office uses like customer relationship management. ERP was also introduced in the main economic system as the e-business, e-governance and the e-commerce were integrated later on. With the introduction of the real time response in the ERP system it started to grow drastically and several organisations throughout the world started to use the ERP system (Chen, Liang Hsu, 2015). In recent days ERP is used in customer relationship management, supply chain management. Characteristics of ERP The main characteristics of the ERP system are given below. ERP is an integrated system which provides all the features for managing the accounting of an organisation from a single platform. The ERP system is used for operating in real time. Real time response basically provides the idea of responding in a faster way and in a more simple way. ERP is consisted with a common database which can afford all the applications. ERP has a continuous outline of the modules are of feel across nature. The main system of the organisation is designed with the integrated system of several software and the IT based operations. Application of ERP system in various functional areas It is used in the accounting management system. The accounting management system consists several functions like budgeting, cost management, costing and activity based costing. The ERP system is used in different finance and accounting systems including the cash management, general ledger, payables and financial consolidation. The ERP system is successfully implemented in managing the human resources (Chen, Kim Yamaguchi, 2014). The human resource department of the organisation is one of the key departments which provide the utility of the human skill. Several functions like recruiting, training, diversity management and retire and pension plans are organised by this department and the ERP system helps to maintain the whole system more successfully. ERP is also successfully implemented in the manufacturing process of an organisation by managing several functions and departments like engineering, work orders, bill of materials, scheduling, capacity, quality control and the workflow management (Chiu et al., 2014). Another important fields of application of the ERP system is that the Supply Chain Management. There are several functions which are included with the product configuration, purchasing, inventory management, work breakdown structure, claim processing and the warehousing (Dan, 2014). These functions are done with real time response due to the implementation of the ERP system. ERP is also used successfully in the order processing technique. From getting the order from the customer to selling the product to him there are lots of stages which are done in a moment in todays market due to the application of the ERP system (Hoch Dulebohn, 2013). The functions like order to cash, credit checking, order entry, pricing and available to promise and the inventory management, sales commissioning and the sales analysis are being advanced in terms of real time due to the application of the ERP system. The customer relationship is one of the key factors for the organisations and the application of the ERO system is also used to manage the customer relationship. ERP is also utilised in advancing several data services like the self service interface which is used for the customers. Components of the ERP system There are several components of the ERP system which make it more advanced in terms of efficiency and functionality (Hollensen, 2015). The key components of the ERP system are given below. Software: The software which is used in the ERP system is popularly known as the accounting software. The primary requirement of the system is that it manages all the data related to the investment of the organisation (Hunton, Wright Wright, 2015). This software is designed on the basis of the client server technology. In this technology the client and the server are considered as the different entity. The transaction is done when the client computer sends the data and the server computer receives the information from the user. In this way the database is considered to function from the centre of the organisation and the distribution of the resources are based on the interface between the organisation and the stakeholders. Transactional database: This refers to the rate of work done through the database and the transaction is considered as the unit of the work which is done within the database management system (Jaber et al., 2015). Exchanges in a database situation have two principle purposes. Firstly to give solid units of work that permit remedy recuperation from disappointments and keep a database steady even in instances of framework disappointment, when execution stops totally and numerous operations upon a database stay uncompleted, with hazy status. Secondly to give segregation between programs getting to a database simultaneously it is also required. People: the ERP system is to be utilised in an organisation by the employees and the most important thing is the learning for the employees (Jeong, 2013). Before the application of the ERP system all the employees were used to the conventional and traditional accounting system and they should be taught about the new features of the ERP system and the basic concept related to the system. Management: The management of an organisation is responsible for making all the works done in a proper way and in case of accounting it is also very important for the organisation to manage the data related to the organisation (Leon, 2014). That is also applicable with the ERP system and the ERP system is also consisted with a powerful management feature. Preparing ERP for the organisation The challenges could be identified with the framework, business process, foundation, preparing, or absence of inspiration (Li et al., 2016). It is along these lines pivotal that associations altogether dissect business forms before they execute ERP programming. Examination can recognize open doors for process modernization (Niederwieser et al., 2016). Research shows that danger of business process crisscross is diminished by: Linking present events to the organisation's technique Breaking down the viability of each procedure Understanding of the existing mechanized arrangements ERP can be executed with the help of associations which are decentralised. It may require relocating some specialty units before others, postponing execution to work through the vital changes for every unit, potentially decreasing joining or redoing the framework to address particular issues (Seethamraju, 2015). A possible inconvenience may be the receiving standard procedures can prompt lost upper hand. While this has happened, misfortunes in one zone are frequently balanced by picks up in different territories, expanding general upper hand. Extension and Data migration Extension is the process of connecting the ERP system with any third party software. The basic data and the features can be accessed through several interfaces and the features of the extension can be republishing, collecting the data of several transactions, scheduling and advanced planning and the transmission in real time and the managing facilities. The process of moving, cropping and reconstructing the data is from a present ERP system to different system is called the data migration technique (Shaul, L., Tauber, 2013). It has several features like identifying the information and to find out the amount of time in which the data is to be migrated. It is an important feature as it is designed according to the plans and leads to success. Advantages of the ERP system There are many advantages of using the Enterprise Resource Management system and among those the primary advantage is that the cost and the time taken by the organisation are decreased significantly (Tai, Huang Chuang, 2016). The accuracy and the response speed both are increased. The transparency of the whole organisation is increased to the employees and as well as to the stakeholders. The functions which can be improved by the implementation of the ERP system are given below. Inventory optimization and sales forecasting Tracking of the orders Matching of the purchase orders Sequential record of the data related to the transactions. Benefits of ERP The main purpose of ERP is that it can increase the productivity and quality in terms of the business aspects. ERP creates a equivalence among the different stages of leadership. ERP creates a more usable organisation which can easily adjust with the changes in a better way. It also makes an organisation more organised and adaptable to several work situations. ERP can increase information security. A particular control outline, for example, the classification given by ERP outlines, provides permission to associate the capacity to all the more effortlessly assure organisational data which is not bargained. ERP provides increased possibilities to cooperation. Data takes many important significance in present venture. Reports, sound, structures, and video, messages and documents. ERP provides a cooperative platform for providing representatives possibility for utilising more energy working together on content in alternative of facing the need to absorb information by arranging in different shapes in disseminated outlines. Disadvantages The customization of the ERP system can be a real issue. Without proper switching the system can have a more amount of expenses and cost. The previous employees who are not friendly with the ERP system may face some issues regarding the interface of the system. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that ERP system is one of the most important and advanced system in the field of accounting management. IT has lots of advantages and disadvantages which are implemented in several organisations in order to get a well arranged, faster and cheap accounting management system. It cancel outs the need to match up with several changes among the multiple systems. It makes all the information related to the accounting software more transparent and it also brings more fairness and reliability in the system. It also provides the platform for coding and naming the products. It provides a comprehensive enterprise view and it actually helps to access the real time data. This system is also used in increasing the security of the information and the many8 multiple system can be achieved by using an single integrated system. The ERP system provides a centralised business information system which provides the following advantages. References Bansal, V. (2013). Enterprise Resource Planning. Pearson Education India. Bull, J. 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Analysis of the critical success factors for enterprise resource planning implementation from stakeholders perspective: A systematic review. International Business Research, 8(4), 25. Tian, F., Xu, S. X. (2015). How Do Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Affect Firm Risk? Post-Implementation Impact. Mis Quarterly, 39(1). Yuan, H. (2013). A SWOT analysis of successful construction waste management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 39, 1-8.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Volstead Act Essays - Prohibition In The United States,
Volstead Act The Volstead Act of 1919 was the law that made the sale of alcoholic beverages illegal, supporters of this act thought that this would make the country better as a whole. They said this law would lower crime rates and would increase the health of Americans. This law did the exact opposite of what they expected, overnight this law created a black market that lead to the rise of organized crime. The health of people who drank alcoholic beverages also decreased because there was no quality control in the illegal market. Thousands of Americans were poisoned by the impurities of the illegal Alcohol. These are just some of the reasons why I think that Prohibition was not the best law that we could have come up with. The new laws on alcohol are much better because they do not completely ban the sales of alcohol, they just limit who can buy it and when. This is much better because the drinks are much safer, distilled properly and the percentage of alcoholic contend is controlled. Another reason why this law was not reasonable is because of the time period that it took place in, this was in the middle of the great depression and there could have been many more jobs if they did not ban the sales of alcohol. Prohibition was not a well thought out amendment and next time the people want to ban the sales of something they should consider what will happen after they do. A couple of good thing that ended up coming out of this was they set an age limit on the purchasing and drinking of alcohol, which probably is safer than if they just let people of all ages do it. They have also came up with many good laws for drinking and driving to make the roads safer, and they are starting to make the laws more strict than they already are. Prohibition did the exact opposite of what the people who supported it thought it would do and that is why it only lasted from 1920-1933. This law manufactured bootleggers and many organized crime groups. Although it was not a good law it was probably good in the long run because maybe next time a group of people want to ban the sales of something they will think of the consequences of what will happen if they do.
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